Sunday, November 28, 2010

Giving Thanks

On Thursday the manor traveled to have a Thanksgiving meal with family. Kelly has a very large fun family and I love them all. I've always felt like a part of them even when I was first meeting them.

Daryl's Turkey shirt was a hit and I even got a request for one in Christmas trees from one of my adorable nephews. I'm starting on that right away! :)

There is not enough room on my blog to list all I'm thankful for but I will get the big stuff out of the way!

My Husband and Son (The two cutest guys in the world)
My family Korf, Stiles, Moreno, Meerpohl, Ramirez , Meeker, Harter, Wasko, and everyone in between!
My Faith
My Home
My Dog
My Pre lit Christmas tree that my husband took me out to get in the middle of a blizzard! Its Awesome!
My Job
My Co-Workers (Past and Present)
My Yarn
My abilities to create even if I can't sing!!
My mostly positive attitude
My Schools (Elks, Trojans and Jayhawks!)
My open mind
and My country and those who protect it!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Jayhawks, Turkey Shirts, Legos, and other Randomness

Been sooo busy I have been neglecting the blog. Sorry bout that! Went to the KU game on Saturday. Grandma watched D so Kel and I got to get a little wild. And for us that is very mild!! LOL
Kel's best friend Doug and his super fun girlfriend Breanna were in town from San Diego for the game. I was glad to introduce her to Jay and Jade Garden Chinese.

On Sunday I worked on the finishing touches of Daryl's Thanksgiving shirt. He is all ready to eat some Turkey in his Turkey shirt!

We also went to the library on Sunday where Daryl built the largest tower he has put together to date. I only helped him with the last four blocks. I was super proud!

Tonight we went back up to the office to play with Addison while her mom was in a boring old meeting. We had much more fun NOT sharing toys and playing with all the fliers in the office. Having a great time this fall and I don't even mind that its going to get cold this week. We have been spoiled and we need some snow!!
Famous last words....

Lastly, earlier this month I knit my first thumb gusset. I was super happy with it and my fingerless mitts that were for a gift.

Monday, November 15, 2010

ummm OK

It is funny when little kids get their own voice. They say things without being prompted and they make their own decisions. Lately all D's decisions have been decided with an ummmm and either an otay or a definite no. Its really cute, at least he is thinking about the question!

This last weekend I had my first 4-H achievement night. I think it went really well. I don't think a lot of people think about what makes an event run (I know I didn't) but I worked on the twenty page program for over a week and I didn't even do one part of it.
It was worth all of the work and it was fun to interact with the kids, who on most days are just names on paper. They are silly and doing great things in the community. Achievement night celebrated that.

My side project has been sewing some flannel jammies for myself. I finished them tonight! They are a little big but with jammies it doesn't matter. They are for inside the house only. I like them so much I think I'm going to try another pair and try and tailor them a little more since I know the pattern now. We shall see!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

No Whammies!!!!

This last weekend Kelly and I didn't see each other a lot. I have started my seasonal holiday help again in retail. (Lord help me with all the women with their d*** coupons) The best part about being seasonal help is just when you think you can't work another day , early January, you don't have to!
Also last weekend a co-worker of mine had a big birthday so we celebrated by taking her to the casino. I've only been to the casino once before and I lost ALL my money so I only took $15. I don't think you can have any skill when you are playing slot machines so I know it was all luck when I won $280 on penny slots!
I immediately got in my car and left. When I showed Kelly and Daryl what I won, Daryl did the money dance for me. It was really funny!
With that all done I have to decide what to spend my lucky money on. Maybe boots.....:)
Starting to get hot and heavy with holiday planning. Can't wait to put up the pre-lit tree we bought day after Christmas last year!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Company and Halloween

So, I said I would put up pics of my mailman ASAP. Please focus on the P of ASAP. Posting pictures was not possible before today because I left my beer out Saturday night.

I went to bed and didn't worry at all that I had half the bottle sitting on the side table and slept peacefully.

I even woke up with Daryl the next morning with no concern.

Then all of a sudden I was worried, stressed and had concern. Because Daryl spilled my beer on my laptop.


All is well now except the touchpad that is basically the mouse is not working. So I had to wait to post pics until I got a real mouse with a USB port. But enough about me and my computer woes. Here are the pics!
Daryl went trick-or-treating with his cousins Carter and Dominic. Carter was a very good "Woody the Sheriff" and Dominic was a Zoo Keeper.
They all had a good time.
Thankfully, Daryl has no idea how much Candy he has because I haven't showed him! He hasn't had any since Sunday.
That is a good thing!!!

And Daryl did not Vote but he did get a sticker. I didn't tell him to put it on his head but I guess that's where he though it should be!