Monday, September 13, 2010

Party, Party, Party

Wrapped up a busy weekend recently. Got to celebrate my friends with a wedding shower on Saturday for Jaime and her bachelorette party, then had a baby shower for Melissa on Sunday. Doesn't sound too busy till you know the first two parties were in the Wichita area and the last party in Kansas City! It was all fun and totally worth it!
I missed my boy and man, but they were busy too. Daryl played at Grandma and Grandpas all Saturday and dad tailgates and worked in the yard.
There is no rest for the Manor and we like it that way, most of the time!
Started some great knitting this weekend also. Cast on one new project and worked on Kel's sweater.
I finished a birthday hat for bro-in-law Brian so I decided to cast on more projects! When will I learn!!!
Still need to finish my sock and start its sister. Will save that for another day, I'm ready for bed!

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