Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Little Less Wise

Daryl really likes to wear daddy's shoes. But he does not like anyone else to wear them. Just ask Grandma Meerpohl when she tried to borrow dad's sandals. Daryl was not having any of it and she did have to go get her own shoes! Too funny!

Kelly had a wisdom tooth pulled on Tuesday. He didn't get put under to do the procedure as the Oral Surgeon thought it would come out easily. The surgeon did have to do a little more pulling than he originally thought so Kelly was pretty sore.

I was going to post the customary puffy face photo but really with Kel's full cheeks you can't really tell he's swollen!

Poor Guy! He was given some pretty good pain meds and while he was on those I took him shopping and got him some new work pants and an outfit for myself! I need to save those leftover pills for when I would like to shop again, they make him so agreeable!!

I have been so taken with a secret knitting project this week that it has thrown the man Christmas sweater schedule off. I don't know if I'll have the back done in September. Boooooo!! There are just too many loved ones in my life and I want to wrap them all up in wool! I think of it as being able to hug them all day! So right now I have four projects on the needles, five that need to be casted on soon, and more patterns just brewing. This could mean trouble!!!!

I blame Karen, Jaime and Steph for telling me socks are really not that hard and so much fun to knit. When I got obsessed with socks it was all over! Its all your fault Karen, Jaime and Steph!!!!

If I could just get knitwear designers to stop making patterns that would help. That way I could just knit all the patterns I already have and not get distracted! :)


  1. I will take full responsibility for the socks. Your christmas knitting may suffer by your feet will thank you.

  2. I love the picture of Daryl in daddys shoes. He doesn't even realize one of them is backwards! Poor Grandma Meerpohl, has to wear her own shoes! : )
    Hope Kelly is feeling much better. On your shopping trip, I hope you bought britches that fit your skinny butt!
    Good luck with the knitting projects. I try to get the house straightened up, before I stitch. Haven't been to energetic about it, especially while the weather allows me to be outside. I have been slacking on baby Henrys blanket....

  3. You get busy on that blanket, he is going to be one very soon!
    Got a dress, grandma meerpohl is taking in a bunch of my pants so I don't have to buy all new ones!
    Jaime-I have a printer box full of sock yarn in a mere six months. Thats all you! Darned sock knitters!!
