Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can't We All Just Get a Lawn?

Kelly has been working so hard on replanting the grass. I think it was a little bigger project than either of us anticipated. It took him two good weekends and one day of annual leave from work to get the ground worked and seeded. Then of course two days later we had a hard rain and it washed away his seed in spots.

He spread some more seed this morning and we are just waiting. It should sprout this week but we'll see. Its been really cool and all the rain who knows! Next time I say we get sod!!

So Here is the before picture and hopefully the after will look somewhat like a golf course. :)

Daryl and I went to Family Fun night at our church tonight. He had a lot of fun running around with some kids that were in grade school. They were playing tag and were nice enough to let D run around their feet and not knock him over. It made their tag game a little more interesting!

On Friday morning for the first time D told me "Bless you Mommy", after I sneezed. I was caught off guard and it made me smile all day! He is getting so smart!!

OK, off to finish the laundry and then knit a little. Perfect end to a perfect weekend!

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