Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can't We All Just Get a Lawn?

Kelly has been working so hard on replanting the grass. I think it was a little bigger project than either of us anticipated. It took him two good weekends and one day of annual leave from work to get the ground worked and seeded. Then of course two days later we had a hard rain and it washed away his seed in spots.

He spread some more seed this morning and we are just waiting. It should sprout this week but we'll see. Its been really cool and all the rain who knows! Next time I say we get sod!!

So Here is the before picture and hopefully the after will look somewhat like a golf course. :)

Daryl and I went to Family Fun night at our church tonight. He had a lot of fun running around with some kids that were in grade school. They were playing tag and were nice enough to let D run around their feet and not knock him over. It made their tag game a little more interesting!

On Friday morning for the first time D told me "Bless you Mommy", after I sneezed. I was caught off guard and it made me smile all day! He is getting so smart!!

OK, off to finish the laundry and then knit a little. Perfect end to a perfect weekend!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Went to the Kansas State Fair on Sunday to pick up the 4-H exhibits. Was only there long enough to eat some fried food, pick up exhibits and get one kick-butt license plate. Jealous?! :)

Thanks to Alicia and her fam for helping us with Daryl! Our family is the best!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Little Less Wise

Daryl really likes to wear daddy's shoes. But he does not like anyone else to wear them. Just ask Grandma Meerpohl when she tried to borrow dad's sandals. Daryl was not having any of it and she did have to go get her own shoes! Too funny!

Kelly had a wisdom tooth pulled on Tuesday. He didn't get put under to do the procedure as the Oral Surgeon thought it would come out easily. The surgeon did have to do a little more pulling than he originally thought so Kelly was pretty sore.

I was going to post the customary puffy face photo but really with Kel's full cheeks you can't really tell he's swollen!

Poor Guy! He was given some pretty good pain meds and while he was on those I took him shopping and got him some new work pants and an outfit for myself! I need to save those leftover pills for when I would like to shop again, they make him so agreeable!!

I have been so taken with a secret knitting project this week that it has thrown the man Christmas sweater schedule off. I don't know if I'll have the back done in September. Boooooo!! There are just too many loved ones in my life and I want to wrap them all up in wool! I think of it as being able to hug them all day! So right now I have four projects on the needles, five that need to be casted on soon, and more patterns just brewing. This could mean trouble!!!!

I blame Karen, Jaime and Steph for telling me socks are really not that hard and so much fun to knit. When I got obsessed with socks it was all over! Its all your fault Karen, Jaime and Steph!!!!

If I could just get knitwear designers to stop making patterns that would help. That way I could just knit all the patterns I already have and not get distracted! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Party, Party, Party

Wrapped up a busy weekend recently. Got to celebrate my friends with a wedding shower on Saturday for Jaime and her bachelorette party, then had a baby shower for Melissa on Sunday. Doesn't sound too busy till you know the first two parties were in the Wichita area and the last party in Kansas City! It was all fun and totally worth it!
I missed my boy and man, but they were busy too. Daryl played at Grandma and Grandpas all Saturday and dad tailgates and worked in the yard.
There is no rest for the Manor and we like it that way, most of the time!
Started some great knitting this weekend also. Cast on one new project and worked on Kel's sweater.
I finished a birthday hat for bro-in-law Brian so I decided to cast on more projects! When will I learn!!!
Still need to finish my sock and start its sister. Will save that for another day, I'm ready for bed!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Long Weekend

I have been slacking on here but that is because when I get home at night these past few
weeks I have been to tired to even knit much less blog!
I will do better :)
We had our Ramirez family reunion last Sunday. It was SOOOO much fun. I just love
dancing with kelly, eating all the good food and visiting with family. This was the first reunion
I've ever been to and after hearing how great they are for four years I have to say I agree.
We will be having another one in two years so I won't have to wait so long again!
Daryl had fun too but he missed most of the dance and hung out at Grandma Meerpohl's with
Carson and Dom.
Played a game of Rugby on Saturday, got my butt kicked and it was fun! Thanks to the
Alumni KSU team who let me whore on with them and have a blast. Ruggers are fun people
no matter what school they went to!
We also had a really fun Tailgate last weekend at the Triangle house. The tailgate was a lot
more fun than the game. it might be a long season....
On the knitting front I'm stalling on the most amazing pair of socks I have ever knit. I think I'm
afraid to mess up the toe after all the beautiful work on the leg and foot. Need to bite the
bullet and just finish them.
I'm also doing something I have promised Kelly since we have been married. I'm knitting him
a sweater! I have a schedule so don't panic everyone, it will get done!
Sept-Knit Back
Oct-Knit Front
Nov-Knit Sleeves
Dec-Make up, block and give for Christmas!

Its a fool proof plan so I'm sure everything will work out. (Please don't read this knitting gods
and knock my front teeth out for being so positive!!)