Sunday, April 25, 2010

So much finished!

The row of scraggly sad pine trees are finally gone! Kel and his dad worked on that this morning and in no time at all we had a nice open yard and a stack of fire wood! BAM!
While papa was taking out trees grammy Meerpohl was making Indian Tacos!! So we all ate well!! And there may or may not be a tub of choc covered strawberries in my fridge that the grandparents forgot to take home. They may also be all gone by now ;-)
Grandma Korf was also up this weekend bowling state. Yeah bowling! She did good on Saturday and ok on Sunday. We were just glad to see her and let her stay in her room/craft room! We also got to have some bonding time when we picked her out a microwave.

The bestest news of all is my sock now has a sister. And my first pair of socks are done. I am so proud of myself!! I made twins!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Down Come The Trees

The cedar trees, after six months from the first time the saw hit them, are now almost all the way down. Kel got most of what was left cut down the last time Momma Korf came up, then hauled them off the next week. Momma and Papa Meerpohl are coming down this weekend to get them finished off. We may actually get to plant some grass this fall now that the back yard sees a little sunlight.

Daryl got to see a lot of his cousins this week. Saturday he went to visit cousins Olivia and Victor in Lawrence while daddy played golf. They went to the park and had a picnic and played. Then Tuesday we went to see Carson's baseball game. We've still been playing outside as often as the weather will let us. This boy would be happy if he could live outside. Maybe we need to move to a tropical climate. Probably not, but I'm sure Daryl wouldn't complain.

We're looking forwared to seeing all of the grandparents this weekend. Good luck to Grandma Korf at the bowling tournament!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yeah Sunshine!

There is nothing like blogging on the back patio in the cool breeze. Daryl is playing nicely with Vinny and they bugs and ants are not bad.

I don't know how Kelly makes my Internet work out here but I love him for it! Today I hit a milestone as a knitter. I finished my first sock! I've never been so proud of my knitting. I can now join the elite who say I knit socks. Well I can't really say socks till I finish the other one but I'm sure that will be soon.

Daryl and I have been staying outside working on our tans. So far I'm darker than him but he may catch up to me!! He got an Elmo movie and CD for Easter so Elmo is almost becoming a dirty word around here. I endure because it makes him happy. I'm sure Asa would agree its better than the Velveteen Rabbit. I used to make him watch that back to back!! Good Times.

Hugs to everyone hope you are all out enjoying this weather!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Summer Cut

There were tears but D got a great haircut last night. He is naturally hot all the time so we went for a buzz cut to try and keep him cool. The best part is he can't stop touching his hair. It must feel funny to him. LOL
Thanks Grandma Meerpohl!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Busy Busy Busy Easter Day!

I stayed up late last night finishing D's Easter shirt. But it turned out great and just in the nick of time.

After staying up late I had a quick night because our little man wanted to get up at five. I guess someone told him we were going to the sunrise service and he didn't want to be late! LOL We did wake up to a surprise as D had his first bloody nose in the middle of the night. He looked like he lost a fight but it didn't bother him at all!

After that the Easter bunny came and D had THREE Easter baskets in Topeka. One the Bunny left with Kel and Me, another the Bunny left with Grandma Korf to deliver, and lastly the Bunny left one at Marita's for Daryl!

Just when you think you can't get anymore Easter candy the Bunny left TWO more baskets for D in Holton. Wow Daryl must have been a great boy this year to haul in a record FIVE Easter baskets!!!

After all that D wasn't too interested in Easter egg hunting but I wouldn't be either if I had enough candy to last the rest of the summer too! He did enjoy being with his cousins, especially Dominic who we are still working on playing nice with. I had to keep reminding D to walk around Dom and not over him. Silly boy!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful day. I'm ready to fall into bed right now and I think that is what I'm going to do!!