Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daredevil D!

We seem to have a little daredevil on our hands. Of course, we began to think so a couple of months ago, when Daryl decided to take on grandma and grandpa's steps , but lately he's finding all kinds of daring things to try.

Just yesterday he learned that he can climb onto the chair in the family room to stand up and look out the window. We decided to put the big orange pillow in front of the chair to soften any fall he may take. And he did take a fall, but got right back up and tried to get on the chair again.

This boy is going to be a climber. If we don't watch carefully, we'll turn around and he'll be standing on the hearth of the fireplace. Or he'll turn a laundry basket upside down and try to stand on top of it. He'll even try to climb on top of an empty diaper box. Whatever he's on, he doesn't let any falls deter him from trying something again or completely new.

Daryl has added a couple of new words to his vocabulary recently. Today he very clearly looked outside and said snow, he points at our numerous Jayhawks and says hawks, his slang for bellybutton is butt and potty often comes out as pott. We need to work on adding that second syllable!

Cousin Henry came to town to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was a short visit, just long enough for his mom to attend a banquet for work, but Daryl and I got to visit with Henry and Asa for the morning. He sure is growing.

I haven't written in awhile so I will catch you up on the knitting front. I finished the surprise I'm making for my swap partner. I will post pics when she gets it in the mail. I'm almost done with my first cardigan, I started it five years ago so its about time!!! And today I cast on stitches for my first fair isle hat, wish me luck!!!

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