Monday, February 8, 2010


It snowed a little bit last night but that is not the brr I'm referring to. D had his first brain freeze yesterday. LOL

He eats these frozen yogurt treats all the time. But Kel and I hold them and let him have little bites. Well yesterday he wanted to be a big boy and hold it himself. He went crazy taking huge bites and had a mouthful of frozen yogurt. Pretty soon his face squished up and he started hitting himself in the forehead. Kel and I bust out laughing as we realized he had brain freeze!

It must not have hurt him too bad because he kept shoveling in the frozen stuff and laughing! I wish I would have taken a picture but I was too busy watching the show.

Last night I went to a knitting Superbowl party and had a blast. Kel and D were both invited to come as well, but both declined. I got a lot done on my project I'm making for a knitting swap. It has to be done in a week so I'm going to really focus on my two days off this week!! Hope to post a finished picture soon.
This month D will be 18 months old!! I can't hardly believe it. He is such a big boy now, walking and talking and being silly. But I remember him on Kel's shoulder the day we brought him home, lifting his head up, looking at us thinking "Who are you people?"!

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