Thursday, February 25, 2010

Fair Isle Trial

So I have bravely jumped into color knitting. And my hat for the most part is going great! There are spots where I was not alternating the pattern correctly, but I can live with that. There is also some loose tension going on but again I didn't actually expect to get this far before flinging it across the room and giving up.

I just started working on double points and again its a challenge but I think its going to work out! If I can get out of work on time tonight maybe I can finish today. But where I work there is no guarantee on when you can leave because you never know who will need your help and when they will need it.

I will post quickly when its done. Yeah!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Daredevil D!

We seem to have a little daredevil on our hands. Of course, we began to think so a couple of months ago, when Daryl decided to take on grandma and grandpa's steps , but lately he's finding all kinds of daring things to try.

Just yesterday he learned that he can climb onto the chair in the family room to stand up and look out the window. We decided to put the big orange pillow in front of the chair to soften any fall he may take. And he did take a fall, but got right back up and tried to get on the chair again.

This boy is going to be a climber. If we don't watch carefully, we'll turn around and he'll be standing on the hearth of the fireplace. Or he'll turn a laundry basket upside down and try to stand on top of it. He'll even try to climb on top of an empty diaper box. Whatever he's on, he doesn't let any falls deter him from trying something again or completely new.

Daryl has added a couple of new words to his vocabulary recently. Today he very clearly looked outside and said snow, he points at our numerous Jayhawks and says hawks, his slang for bellybutton is butt and potty often comes out as pott. We need to work on adding that second syllable!

Cousin Henry came to town to visit a couple of weeks ago. It was a short visit, just long enough for his mom to attend a banquet for work, but Daryl and I got to visit with Henry and Asa for the morning. He sure is growing.

I haven't written in awhile so I will catch you up on the knitting front. I finished the surprise I'm making for my swap partner. I will post pics when she gets it in the mail. I'm almost done with my first cardigan, I started it five years ago so its about time!!! And today I cast on stitches for my first fair isle hat, wish me luck!!!

Monday, February 8, 2010


It snowed a little bit last night but that is not the brr I'm referring to. D had his first brain freeze yesterday. LOL

He eats these frozen yogurt treats all the time. But Kel and I hold them and let him have little bites. Well yesterday he wanted to be a big boy and hold it himself. He went crazy taking huge bites and had a mouthful of frozen yogurt. Pretty soon his face squished up and he started hitting himself in the forehead. Kel and I bust out laughing as we realized he had brain freeze!

It must not have hurt him too bad because he kept shoveling in the frozen stuff and laughing! I wish I would have taken a picture but I was too busy watching the show.

Last night I went to a knitting Superbowl party and had a blast. Kel and D were both invited to come as well, but both declined. I got a lot done on my project I'm making for a knitting swap. It has to be done in a week so I'm going to really focus on my two days off this week!! Hope to post a finished picture soon.
This month D will be 18 months old!! I can't hardly believe it. He is such a big boy now, walking and talking and being silly. But I remember him on Kel's shoulder the day we brought him home, lifting his head up, looking at us thinking "Who are you people?"!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Knitting Pays Off

I finished my cabled scarf today!! I'm so happy with it that I actually want some more cold weather so I can show it off. I have a few other projects close to being finished so I think I will get quite a bit done this month.

Daryl has had a fun couple of days. Yesterday we hung out with Aunt Marita and he just loves when she carries him. He is soooo tall then :) He showed Aunt Marita how he has become quite the dancer. Anytime he hears music you can't stop him from moving side to side with delight!

Today we went to the library. The old saying holds true "Be careful what you teach your children". Daryl can on command find his belly button and he can also find kel's. He lifts up dad's shirt and says "button"!

So in front of everyone, while Daryl was watching fish he quickly turns around, lifts my shirt and shows everyone my button! I was quite shocked and everyone laughed but we need to work on when it is appropriate to lift someone else's shirt. I imagine that is NEVER! :)