Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for Everything

I can't seem to find my camera. This should not come as a shock to most of you! I had some cute pictures of Daryl looking at his new potty but alas they will have to wait till later.
Daryl is not using his potty yet just checking it out. I'm waiting till all three of us can have some quality days ahead of us to start the potty training process. Should be fun!
The manor will be packing up and going north for Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will have a relaxing day of just being with family.
Then Momma Korf and Cadence will be coming for the weekend. I'm so excited to see both of them! We will have lots of play time and D time. I even bought some liver and onions for Momma Korf's favorite meal. Kel says he will find something else to eat! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Lots of Love from the Manor!!

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