Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not too long ago I had cleaned out all the knitting projects. Finished Kelly's slippers, Daryl's sweater, a neck warmer for my secret sister.
And yet again a bunch of Unfinished object (UFOs) have take over my knitting bag!! I have a hat for a birthday swap that just needs a flower, A toy caterpillar that is missing half of it's body, my incredibly small sweater, and a hat for a wee one. I don't know why starting things is so enchanting to me but I just can't help but cast projects on. But for some reason half way thru I loose interest. And then we get the situation we have now.
But it's not all b/c of knitting. I also start sewing projects and its really hard to finish them too. But this week I did knock out some curtains that I have had the fabric for three years, and I'm ready to knock out a quilt that also has passed the one year mark since I started it.
So for the rest of this week, NOTHING NEW!! And that is good motivation because I found a dress I want to make and I really want to cast on several new projects. Here is the list of things I need to clean up first.
1.) Kid Hat
2.) Half done caterpillar
3.) Lady Hat
4.) Quilt

OK So I'm going to go get started!

1 comment:

  1. Ok-now this is a new week. Keep me posted on your "this is done" list.
    I started cleaning the spare bedroom. Need to do a lot of sorting important papers, but made good progress yesterday.
    Rain/snow mix has halted harvest, probably for several days.
    Yeah-tonight is bowling night!
    love to all
