Monday, November 16, 2009

First Snow

Daryl was awake to see the first flurries of Winter. He loves to look out his window and today was no different. I'm just glad for once I could find my camera in time! :)

I've ticked some of my to do projects off the list. As I type I've finished the curtains and the quilt top. I'm also very close to finishing two hats and a sweater that probably will need some adjustments.

But since I'm on such a roll with my projects I have neglected my blog and its readers. I'm sure you all want to know the same thing. What has D been up to!!!

D has several new tricks. He entertains himself now by turning circles until he falls down. He will occasionally woof like a dog and meow like a cat. But the most lasting impression of what he has been doing is probably him marking on the floor. He didn't mark with a crayon or a pen, he prefers a permanent Sharpie! Looks like we got a Picasso on our hands!

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