Friday, May 1, 2009

The Face of Mischief

This week flew by! Sorry about the lack of updates!! For all of those who know about the Rugby game tomorrow the time has been adjusted to 2pm. So please come out and support the Women's Rugby!
This week we had two practices (in between the rain) and I think we are as ready as we will ever be! Also this week Kelly has been driving to a conference out of town all week for work so I'm glad that's done!

Kelly enjoyed his first week on the job and I think we are really lucky that he found it.

On Wednesday we went and hit golf balls. I am trying to be ready for my first big game against the Meerpohls from the North. I don't want to embarrass Kelly!

Daryl has just been content playing on the floor, rolling around in his chair, and getting into things! The picture I took today was while he was getting in my purse and pulling things out. I said "Daryl what are you doing?" And this is the look I got! Priceless!


  1. Good luck at the rugby game. Your son is an onery little angel!
    Having a fun time with Moms purse is always a favorite game.
    The picture is so CUTE!!
    love you guys!

  2. What a little sweetie! How cute! He is even better in person. So much fun! I enjoyed the rugby game, although I knew nothing of what was going on. Looks like a tough, rough game and I know now that I will not want to stand in your way. You were going after those girls who were much bigger than you. Good for you! Hope you don't have many bumps and bruises but how can you help but have them with the rough tough play. Love the updates and look forward to them.

  3. You had a rugby game?!?!? I wanna go!
