Monday, May 25, 2009

First Haircut!

This is Kelly filling in for Candi. She's knitting on a deadline (8 days and counting) and didn't have time to post tonight!

This Memorial Day weekend was relaxing, but we also found time to fit many things in. We walked around the Farmer's Market Saturday morning and found some yummy jalepeno bread and a gnome to watch over the orange garden. After I got the yard mowed, Daryl and I went to Gage Park while mommy knitted. Then cousin Caysen came over for the evening until his mom got back from the lake.

Sunday after church Daryl went to Caysen's house to play while mommy and daddy went golfing. What an experience. Candi just thinks I like to drive golf carts. We had a really fast cart and every time she drove I had to tell her to step on it! We decided to play a scramble, and we even got to use one of Candi's drives, on the hole that I had my best drive no less. We ended up shooting even par, so we're ready to take on the Meerpohl's from the north anytime they think they're up to it!

Today I helped Tony hang a little drywall first thing in the morning, then mommy met some ladies at the coffee shop for some knitting. Then came the biggest event of the weekend. Daryl's first haircut! He did so well that grandma was able to get everything cut except a little piece on the front right at the end. It looks so cute and he looks grown up and handsome. As his great-grandpa Greg would say, he'll have to carry his stick around with him to keep away all the girls.
Well, it's off to a short, but busy week. Only one week until we head for the Northwest. Mommy and daddy are looking forward to three straight short work weeks.

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