Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

So it finally happened. Kelly and I went away for a whole weekend without D! It was hard I'm not going to lie but he did great :-)
He stayed with grandma and grandpa Meerpohl and had so much fun I don't think he even noticed we were gone. Little stinker!
Kelly and I headed west to help momma Korf redo her bathroom. Kelly worked really hard for two days and almost had it all finished up before I MADE him leave.
HAHA I needed to see my baby.
The only other thing I accomplished today was I finally finished the knitted bag I have been working on for the past month. I was knitting it for a swap (think pen pal you've never met) and I have to get it in the mail tomorrow.
I hope its new owner loves it!
Was so glad to see so many loved ones this weekend sisters, brothers, parents, an aunt and a grandma! Wish every weekend could be so full of family and fun.

1 comment:

  1. I had the best Mothers Day! Kelly & Asa worked hard to get the bathroom redone. After a few stop & starts for parts, the room looks GREAT!! I enjoyed having a long bubble bath last night. I am glad D did fine at grandpa & grandmas. We all love spoiling him. I got to see all my children on Sunday, and am so thankful, I have great kids!
