Sunday, April 19, 2009

Not Just Another Sunday!

Today we had baby Meerpohl baptised! It was a great day and
a lot of his family and friends came to celebrate with us. Sugar was quite the ham in front of the congregation, he was laughing and jumping for everyone! He took his three hand fulls of water with no problem and was walked up and down the church by our preacher.

We came home to a great lunch that was pot-luck! I think those end up being the best dinners. We had plenty of food and we were so glad to have our house filled with our loved ones. It is so nice just to be able to catch up with everyone.

We were all ready for a nap when the day was done and Daryl barely made it to eight before he crashed. I guess being held and kissed all day can really wear a little guy out! :-)

This weekend I also got my hair cut. I LOVE it. It takes about two minutes to dry and then I'm ready to go. It seems like I go thru this cycle with my hair. I cut it all off then I get tired of having it trimmed all the time, then I grow it out and I get tired of the non stop ponytail look. Maybe I will keep the short now that I really don't have minute to spare in the morning!!

I hope everyone had just as good a Day as we did at the Manor!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it was a special day at the manor. All the family enjoyed themselves and yes, baby Daryl was such a sweet ham at his baptism. The preacher called him 'dynamic' and said he was the most dynamic baby she had ever seen.
    Thanks to all the Manor Meerpohls for being such wonderful hosts on baby Daryls special day. We know God will continue to bless this family.
    I feel blessed to have 10 such great kids+1 to come to call mine.
