Monday, March 9, 2009

The Paneling Must Die

I really didn't have any "projects" for this past weekend. I needed to do laundry, go grocery shopping, and clean the front and dinning room. By early afternoon on Sunday all of those things had been done.

Well you know what they say about idle minds....

So Sugar Bear and I are playing in the back room and the picture above is what I am staring at. That's when it hits me. There is only one wall of paneling left in this house so what are we waiting for!

Kelly comes in from the yard and I tell him my master plan. We need to mud and paint the paneling ASAP!! So right then and there we start!

While Kelly is painting the wall with primer I am at the computer picking out the new color of the wall. I'm finding it hard to imagine that one wall with color while the rest of the kitchen is off white.

That's when the small project gets a little bigger... See you can't just paint one wall in a kitchen. You have to paint them all! Then you have to redo the ceiling paint (trust me it was bad). And since you are redoing the ceiling paint you might as well get some new light fixtures. So the small paint one wall is in its second day of mini remodel.
I hate it when projects do that :-) Kelly hates it more!

1 comment:

  1. Wow- it makes such a big difference already! I'll get to see all of it on Friday--can't wait to see you guys.
