Monday, March 30, 2009

Long Time no Blog!

The Meerpohls have been super busy lately. For a short time we had something going on almost every night! But here are some updates and important events.

With the Easter season upon us Sugar had his first Peep! As you can tell it went over very well. He was blue from head to toe but not at all sad :-)

He has also been rocking back and forth on his knees but not really crawling. He is still pretty good at rolling where ever he would like to go!

As of a couple of weeks ago I have taken up Rugby again. So far so good. I have a big tournament in St. Louis this weekend so I'm looking forward to that! It's been fun getting back on the pitch.

Kelly and I joined the local Methodist church this last Sunday. Just in time for Easter we have a new church family. Everyone was so inviting and they all adore our little sugarbear! He was quite the ham when we were in front of the congregation!

Not all smiles and giggles we are trying to get our little Meerpohl to sleep thru the night. This has taken a lot of tough love and some earplugs would probably also help. The first night we were not picking him up he cried for three hours! Just when we thought we couldn't take it anymore he fell back asleep. Last night he only cried for a little over an hour so we are crossing our fingers that the worst is over!

This wasn't taken in the middle of the night but you get the picture...

1 comment:

  1. that picture is great. i cant wait for you to show it to his first date!
