Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Done

On Friday the kitchen was finally all put back together. I think it came out very good! Some day we will fix the cabinets and counter top but this is great for now!

My mom and brother's soon to be mother in law came to stay this weekend. I had fun showing them around town. We love having company. After all why work so hard on the manor if we can't show it off!

Today was so beautiful that we had to go outside. We took Sugar Bear to the park and he got to swing for the very first time. He Loved It! I think he was scaring some of the other children with his screams of delight. They were very loud screams. I look forward to going to the park all summer. It is the same park Kelly and I got married in and it is very special to us. We love sharing it with our son!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way with words you have and I love to read your blog.
    So glad that Daryl enjoys swinging. We have one swing here at home that he can swing on when he is here. Can't wait to see that wonderful little smile he has.
    The kitchen looks great and am anxious to see it in person. Aunt Barb told me it looks really good. Sounds like snow may be here on Friday night or Saturday morning. Hope it just comes and goes just like that.
    We don't need any snow. We got 2 inches of rain last night with just a little pea sized hail for a bit too. We did need the rain.
    Lots to do as usual here so need to get busy.
