Wednesday, March 4, 2009


For everyone who is not certain that the craft room has a floor you probably remember a room that looked like this...

After a lot of sorting, purging, and putting away I think there is hope for the craft room. TADA!!!

The love seat is a pull out bed so it can be a guest room in a pinch! I hope to get it looking even better as I work on knitting some of my yarn stash. I also need to finish four or five things I have started sewing. I have a really bad habit of starting projects and then they get abandoned. I think this is rebellion from all the deadlines I had in school!

OK I will end with pictures for all of the Grandmas!! Another little before and after. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Your guest room looks great! Did you notice that Daryl has filled out all the wrinkles, that he used to have on his hands and legs??
