Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Six Months Already

Sugar Bear had his six month appointment this week. He is now 18 pounds and 26.5 inches long. He had to have three shots, ouch! The doctor gave us some tips to help him learn to crawl and sit up on his own.

Not to much else going on this week. Planning a trip west for the weekend.

I know I said I wasn't going to give up on the lace cardigan. Well I LIED!! I ripped it out two nights ago found an easier pattern and am going to use the yarn up so it does not scream failure at me every time I look at it!! I will try it again when I have more time to really focus and knit.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

D's 1st Valentines Day

Sugar bear had quite a Valentines Day! He had a party with his daycare and got lots of treats and hugs. It was fun to watch all the babies play together. They really roll around and try to grab each other. I had to watch D closely as he was really trying to pull other kids' hair!!

Kelly and I went out to lunch on the 15th. We left D with his aunt and uncle and we both got to eat using both of our hands. We had almost forgot what that was like.

Since then not much new going on at the manor. I am trying to convert the craft room into a guest bedroom so when momma Korf, aunt Barb, and Dusty come up they can have a room again. :-)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Birthdays and Lace Nightmares

Last weekend was Great Grandma Meerpohl's birthday!! What a fun afternoon was spent eating and visiting and seeing family. When all the Meerpohls are together it can be a real riot.

Daryl had a fun time eating Grandma Meerpohl's jello salad. He has been doing a good job this week eating some baby food. He definitely likes squash better than peas. I was not in the room when he spit a mouth full of peas at his dad. Its funny how now that made us all laugh but in two years that would get him in trouble :-)

This week I have been trying to make real progress on my lace cardigan. I had really good help at the Yarn Barn and good advice to separate all my repeats. But I got so caught up doing that after I had my markers in I started in on the wrong line of my pattern. I had two rows done before I noticed. Do three steps forward two steps back I haven't even finished ripping out all of my mistake yet. Mark my words I will not give up on this pattern!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Beautiful Day

You would never know it is February around here. Kelly is grilling some chicken outside and we spent the majority of the day cruising sugar around in the stroller. Just too nice! I bet it was nicer here today than San Diego!! :-)

Got a couple of projects finally done!! The Curtains thanks once again to momma Meerpohl and the hat I started earlier in the week. Now I can focus on the really important stuff like laundry and dusting. I can't wait! (sarcasm here)

D is learning some funny noises, he likes to smack his lips to get our attention. He is really grabbing things now and can pretty much hold his own bottle. He had some family stop by today so right now he is napping because he got pretty tuckered. I hope everyone is getting a chance to be outside!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Why The Sour Face?

So when I got up this morning Kelly and Sugar were already playing in the kitchen. I decided a nice orange would do the trick for my breakfast. So I peel it and am eating it and sugar bear is really interested. He was probably just drawn to the orange color but I decide to let him try a piece, above was his reaction :-)
Happy Thursday!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

Sugar Bear is feeling TONS better!! He spent all last week out of daycare but will be going back tomorrow. All of the sitters said they really missed their D last week! Thanks to Momma Korf for staying with Sugar when he was feeling all out of sorts. I'm glad he perked up for her on Friday. One good day is better than none I guess :-)

This weekend D got to try out his new high chair. He has never really like all his baby chairs we have had before but he has taken to his high chair. Go Figure!

D also went to his first basketball game on Saturday. He went to support his older cousin and had a good time with all of the noise and action going on. A busy busy weekend Momma Meerpohl also came down and made some living room curtains for the manor. Will get a picture of them up as soon as we have them hung!

I took a break from my Lace cardigan today. Started a hat I want to complete by Wednesday night to go on a knitting road trip. We'll see if it happens!!