Monday, January 26, 2009

Coughs and sneezes and wheezes oh my!!

Friday night the weekend had a lot of possibility, a closet organizer to install, a sweater to knit, the world was ours! Then we notice sugar bear had a little cough hmmm a steamy bath and he went to bed.

Saturday came we had a visit from one of our cousins, sugar bear still had a little cough and now some sneezes. Sunday morning and a little cold was full blown sickness. So we had our first trip to the hospital since he was born. Nothing ambulance worthy, but after calling our doctors office they said better safe than sorry so we should go in and get a breathing treatment.
Turns out that is where Daryl would prefer to be on a free day. He likes pretty nurses!! He even had the respiratory therapist wanting to take him home! We were only a little tempted... :-p

He had two breathing treatments and we were on our way home a couple hours later with a baby who could breath again!!

Sugar bear is still feeling a little under the weather and he now had to do treatments at home but hopeful next weekend there will be more knitting and less wheezing!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Toes and Knits

With my short week I have been doing a lot of knitting. There are other things I could be doing but I haven't had this kind of time to knit since I was pregnant and I am really enjoying seeing some progress on a project!

The sweater I started, ripped out, and started again is called the February sweater so my goal is to finish it in that month.

Last night Sugarbear found his toes!! He was thrilled, thought they were the best toys ever. He would kick his legs up and try and grab them and then try and put them in his mouth. If he caught his ankles he would laugh so hard he would lose hold of them again.

Kelly and I watched him for about twenty minutes!! Oh the little joys!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sundays are for Projects!

We had a very busy weekend at the manor. But I don't mind because I don't plan on going to work tomorrow!! So I will catch up on my rest then. As for Kelly, I'm not sure when he will do his catching up but some time this week I owe him a nap.

It is well deserved because he spent a good part of his evening hanging pictures. I know you are thinking why would hanging pictures (six to be exact) take a whole evening? Well add in a couple of factors. The first being I think I have missed my calling as an interior decorator and the second being he is a perfectionist and there you have it, hanging pictures takes awhile.

We did get our family pictures back from the photographer this weekend. Sugarbears first pictures will be in the mail very soon!! Just a disclaimer: Dusty he is wearing a lot of KU! Would you still like one?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Teeth Are Not Fun

Disregard my last blog. Teeth are not fun. Daryl has his two bottom teeth and he, his babysitters, and his parents have all been in pain!

His poor little cheeks are red and the inside of his diapers have not been anything fun to look at. He was laughing a little tonight so hopefully we have seen the worse.

Since I finished my vest (I want to type that again) SINCE I FINISHED MY VEST I have started a little sweater. I was very excited about it last night but today I had to start over so my excitement has wained.

OK, we have had some long nights this week so I'm going to bed!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Teeth Are Fun!!

This last Saturday I left Sugar Bear overnight for the first time! Since he was in my belly we have never spent a night apart and it was time. So what does he do on his first night away from the 'rents? He grows a tooth!

Sure enough when we left him with more Meerpohls on Saturday he was all gums, when we picked him up on Sunday he had a lower chomper. What a little stinker!! Decides to sprout a tooth for his aunt and uncle before he does it for him mom and dad. I guess it was fitting in the great circle of life as his cousin lost a tooth the night he was there. Go Figure!

I FINALLY FINISHED THE SWEATER VEST!!! Yeah!! A small step for some knitters is a giant, football field length, triple jump for me! It is two weeks past the first time I vowed to get it done but it is done (I have included picture proof) and I will actually wear it. :-) I don't say that about everything I knit.

So between teeth and knits the Christmas decor also came down. Sometimes I feel like I'm just running in place but for the last couple of days I have been ticking things off the list. So if 2009 keeps rolling like this I like it!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

All Quiet At The Manor

Now that the holidays have passed our little family has been relaxing a bit. We have been slowly putting away the presents and sometime soon we will pack up the lights and tree!! I hope to have that done by Easter at the latest.

Kelly and I have gone from two cell phones to one so if you have them both we just use Kelly's now. We figure when we are not at work we are always together so why have two phones. I guess when we get tired of each other we will get the other phone back but I don't see that happening any time soon!

And last but not least Daryl (Sugar Bear) has learned how to roll from his tummy to his back. He won't go the other way because he has always preferred being on his back!! I swear the day he figured out the one way roll he was thinking, "I'm free! I'm free! No More Tummy Time!!"

We are still working on the baby food thing. No matter what we give him if it comes off a spoon he is not interested. So, if we have a five year old that just lays there and drinks from a bottle we are going to have to start getting tough with him! :-)