Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Just in Time for the New Year

Join me as I welcome new little Ella!!! She arrived just in time to join us as we toast a new year!! At the ripe old age of one day she got a visit from her Auntie and cousin Daryl!! God bless you little girl and your arrival will remind us all of the new beginning every new year gives us.

Her little hat was her present from the Meerpohl Manor to match one I made her big brother awhile back. I was more than ha
ppy to knit a little pink!!!

Spending the new year with the other side of the family in Southwest Kansas. Looking forward to seeing everyone and getting a lot of knitting and reading done while my mom is playing with the baby :-)

Happy New Years to you and yours if I make some resolutions for the Manor I will let you all know!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Back!!

Christmas was awesome!! The Meerpohls spent Christmas Eve and day away from the Manor. Two days with food and family was great! Also thanks to my momma Meerpohl I have discovered the awesomeness of ITunes! She gave me a gift card for x-mas and It was spent in about 20 minutes. I have been jamming to new tunes ever since.

Daryl had a great time with all the new sights, smells and sounds. Most of his Christmas is on Video and I will try and get some of those posted soon.

Daryl also had his first game night!! And it was so much fun he had to go to bed early :-)

On the knitting front I have sew together my sweater vest and have picked up the stitches for the ribbed neck edge. I just have to finish that and finish the arm holes. I have a nice big road trip for the new year so I have no excuses not to finish it.

Then I want to cast on some quick knits!!

Happy New year to all of you and yours. I don't see how 09 can top 08 but I'm sure it will!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Christmas Crunch

(Musically) Its seven days till Christmas and my true love gave to meeee

Seven Ulcers Bleeding, Must wake up at Six in the morning, FIVE LOADS OF UNFOLDED LAUNDRY, Four hours left of sewing, Three ornaments on the tree, Two stinky dogs, And a baby in a reindeer suit!!!!!!

Ha ha so that was my attempt at a Christmas carol joke! Just emphasizing the fact that every year I procrastinate and turn this holiday of joy and family into stress and tiredness!! I have not wrapped a single present yet (except for the one we already gave our little brother), I have a mound of housework that has crept back on me, and I will finish my knitted sweater vest this weekend come heck or high water!!!

I need to make a list and attack this strategically. But there may not be a post till post holidays because this is another thing I can use to put off the chores that need to be done! So I'll post some fun picks and I'll catch my two fans on the flip side!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yeah for Knitting

Today consisted of a lot of driving to and from some required work training. Since I was lucky enough to catch a ride I got a lot of knitting done!! I have not got a lot of chances to knit since the arrival of little Daryl but I've been told there will be plenty of time to catch up when he is a teenager and doesn't want to be seen with me anymore!!!

I'm working on a sweater vest and a lace scarf. I have been working on both since I was pregnant and am close to done. Yeah!!

Daryl had a big weekend spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl's for the first time! He was really good and when he woke up mommy and daddy were there to give him his morning bottle.

Other than that we got Jheri's graduation celebrated and some homemade candy made with Aunt barb. All in all a pretty good weekend. The laundry and dusting can wait we are having too much fun playing with the baby :-)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

My first Blog!!

Mommy and Daryl
So, right here right now I have created my own blog. Now you can keep up with me and my family. (Mom, call this good use of that silly Bachelor's degree I got!)

If anyone is familiar with Animal Planet you will get the blog's name. For everyone else it is a rip off of Meerkat Manor.

I will try and post regularly, you know try to build an audience!! :-) I think people who think babies, or knitting, or trying to save money will never miss a post. Everyone else can just drop in from time to time and gaze at my awesomeness.
