Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Happy Birthday, Mud Races and Catrick!

The picture I requested last night for his last day of being 15!

 Today my baby is officially my boy. On his last night of being 15 I called him my baby and he said "I'm too old for that, I'm your boy now." If you are wondering 16 is when that title changes ;-) 

He is with his dad this week so we are doing our celebration on Sunday. Last night I also asked Alex to give Daryl and big birthday hug from me. Alex reported that he did, and they didn't even fight about it. Look forward to some pictures of my 16 year old in my next post. I hope he has a great day today!! 

I do have pictures from the Mudgirl obstacle race I did with my cousin, Kayleigh, last Saturday! It was the first obstacle race for both of us and it was sooooo much fun! It was women/girls only and it wasn't timed so there was no pressure on pace. We are both racers, so of course we timed ourselves! There were 5,000 racers in Colorado Springs and it was very well organized. 

We had so much fun we have already signed up for another one in 2025! Yay cousin races! 

We finished!

Our Before picture

We went Egg hunting in Colorado Springs!

Accidently found a Greek Food festival, YES PLEASE!

On the way down I did spend a night with Catrick, he is a great host!

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