Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Back to School!

 Today was the second day of school for my kiddos but yesterday it was  raining. I needed the picture by the tree and I knew getting a picture two days in a row was probably asking too much! I'm happy I waited the demeanors were actually much better day two! 

Alex was full of nerves Monday night and said he didn't sleep well. He was much better this morning. I think he is going to do great in 7th grade! Daryl is in a sulky teenager phase, it was better this morning than yesterday, if I had asked yesterday for a picture, I think I would have been denied....

I can report day number one went well! Alex forgot some of his school supplies but he is happy with his schedule. Daryl is also happy with his schedule, he is looking forward to Journalism and vaguely remembered I have a journalism degree. LOL He is nervous about Chemistry and frankly I am to, I don't think I ever took a chemistry class....did I have to to graduate? I remember biology.....hmmmmm

I hope everyone had a great school year, I hope 7th and 10th grade treats us well! 

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