Monday, August 26, 2024

A Relaxing Weekend

 It feels like it has been a long time since I've had a "no plans" weekend. While I did plenty the last couple of days, none of it was on a schedule. That was nice! 

Saturday morning I started with an 8 mile run. My long runs are getting "ahem" longer than I normally like. But I want to get up to 10 miles before my half marathon on Oct. 5th. So you gotta do what you gotta do. It was early but it was still steamy. Was so glad to just get that one done. 

Also on Saturday, Jeff and I went to Emporia to check off a few more stops on a brewery tour we are doing. We have only 4 or 5 left and if we finish in 2024 we get a T-Shirt. The last thing we need, but we are having fun experiencing new places. We went to Radius Brewery and Trolley House distillery. Both very cool places that we probably would have never visited had it not been for the tour. 

Also this weekend I started teaching myself how to do some needlepoint stitches. Jeff got me a starter kit from Missouri Quilt Co that I had been eyeing, and I started it right away! I can't wait until I can embroider llamas and cacti on everything we own! 

When I got the boys back on Sunday, priority number one was take Daryl out to celebrate his birthday. We went to Red Lobster, his choice and then cruised Kohls so he could spend his gift card from Grandma. He said he had a good birthday and I believe him because him and Alex didn't fight with each other all night. That might be a record! 

Wishing everyone a great last week of August. I have some reading to do! #monthlygoals 

The birthday boy!

I'm going to do some more tonight!

This is a great starter kit and they have videos on their website too!

We love a good card game when we are trying new places.

This place was super cute! Trolley House in Emporia

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