Wednesday, February 28, 2024

4-H Club Days

On Sunday the Meerpohl boys participated in County Club Days. For the last couple of years they coasted and did impromptu talks because you show up, draw a topic and give the talk. No muss, no fuss! 
I was very surprised when Alex decided he wanted to do a talk on computers. He is looking at computer parts all day, dreaming of his perfect build. So that made sense! 

He wrote his talk while he was at Dad's house and he made his poster at my house three hours before his talk. That's how he wanted to do it, and he got it done. He got a purple ribbon on his project talk and he can talk about computers for days! 

Daryl did an impromptu, hey, it's what he knows! He got a blue ribbon for his effort. A little extra practice in public speaking is a great way to spend a Sunday! 


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