Friday, February 16, 2024

Weather Whiplash

 I got to spend Tuesday through Thursday of this week in Florida at a work conference. Let's just say I didn't appreciate the snow this morning after three days of 50-70 degree weather. I know it's only a one hour time difference but I am dragging today! But I will have to wait to rest, tomorrow Alex has a basketball game.

Alex has been playing every Saturday in February with the 6th grade team from his middle school. There are so many kids that wanted to play, they have about 15 youth per game. The coach does a great job getting all the kids in and they are fun to cheer for. 

It's nice to see Alex out on the court having fun with his friends! 

Also, belated Happy Valentines Day! My Valentine took me to dinner and we exchanged books afterwards. <3

We both like to read so we picked out a book for each other. I can't wait to start the book he picked for me, he is already reading the book I got him. It was a successful idea, feel free to steal! 

Just sitting by the pool after lunch before our next
conference session! 

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