Sunday, April 30, 2023

2023 Topcity Half Marathon

 Yesterday was great weather and luckily race day for the Topcity Half Marathon! My goal was to run a sub 2:10 race and my official chip time was 2:08:53! The course was changed this year because of road construction but the new out and back route was enjoyable. The spectators were great this year! The course volunteers cheered loud and I got an applesauce pouch and twizzlers from new friends, aka nice strangers. Lol

My cousin came from Dodge City to run with me and she rocked it as well. That's two Dodge City cousin visits in one month! April 2023 was pretty awesome! 

We are ready to go! I woke up 2 hours before race time, Kayleigh only needed 15 minutes. Lol
I'm not fast enough to run with this girl but she always has a post race beverage with me! 

Photo credit of my finish to Alex!

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