Thursday, April 13, 2023

Yay Sports!

 Daryl had his first track meet last Thursday and his second one today. He ran the 2 mile in both and is trying to pin down what his second event is. He did not like running the 2 mile and 1 mile in the same meet. 

I got to watch him today and I was just beaming at him running. Running is my hobby and I'm not fast, but I enjoy it anyway. I hope he likes it because it is something you can do for a long time. 

As a family we have also discovered Pickleball! My friend Danielle was the first person to show me how to play and my friend Jeff has been trying to teach me all the finer points of the game, aka the rules! LOL 

Now I make the boys and Grandma go to the park and play with me and we are all getting better! The boys are almost getting too good because they are starting to be annoyed with Grandma and I being their partners. We even made our cousin play with us last night, she had to put her crocs in sport mode! LOL. You were really good Reiyna, now teach everyone in Dodge so we can play there too! 

So if you need me this summer I'll either be running or playing pickleball. LOL 

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