Monday, February 8, 2021

Truth about Reading Time at Home

 When I try new things and it works, I don't want anyone to think it was easy. We all know when dealing with other people, a battle of the wills is exhausting. 

Last month I made a reading goal for both Daryl and Alex. Mom is going to read 20 books this year and you are both going to read 12. You would have thought I told them I'm cancelling the WiFi. The whining and complaining was full force. 

I also need to note here that they are both fantastic readers. They have good vocabularies and comprehend very well. I don't understand why they act like our 22 minutes of reading at night is painful but they do EVERY NIGHT. Lindsey can testify to this, they get bent out of shape about it even with the bribe of ice cream or a weekend treat. 

I did say this strategy is working and I believe it is. Daryl read two books in January and Alex read one. They have both started their February books and when reading time is over they have to tell me about what they read. They laugh while they are reading and they get caught up in the stories. But the biggest win was when they were packing up for dad's house on Sunday afternoon, they BOTH took their books with them. Alex said he would probably read once or twice and Daryl said he just couldn't wait a week to read more. 

Now, I have to tell you what rebellion is starting to look like with Daryl. Alex's Feb. book is about mutant goldfish and Daryl's book is "One Vote Away" by Ted Cruz. He bought it on Amazon and he smirks at me every time he pulls it out to read. Really Daryl? 12 years old reading a book by Ted Cruz? I know what you are doing young man! (Note to my dad Daryl, I know you think this is funny from heaven, I know you are just laughing so loud!) 

The book Daryl finished for January. 
I think this was a better pick than his Feb. book...
Ghost by Reynolds 

Alex's January book. He really loved it! 
Me, Mop and the Moondance Kid by Myers

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