Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

I got to be at both of the boys school parties today! My Groot and Hippie got lots of treats. I'm glad Halloween was today because it was a toasty 40 degrees for the parade.

That's much better than the snow we had yesterday! For the second year in a row we trick or treated in Potwin and came home to chicken and noodles. It warms us up!

I didn't get the decorations out for Halloween but we have still had trick or treaters with just the porch light on. All is good and we will get the decorations out for next year!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ran a Thing, Wrote a Thing & Knit a Thing

I haven't blogged for awhile, and I've been a "little" busy. Last Saturday, I ran my first half marathon in three years! It rained almost the entire race, but I still enjoyed it. I did my training plan and I knew I could do it. It was the Kansas City Half Marathon and oh man, did it have hills! We climbed so much that the last mile was a downhill and my legs cramped almost immediately.

I am already planning on my next half. It is my perfect distance and the training is not impossible. I wasn't sure if I would make it back to running halves, but I did it! Now, I'm just going to work on my time. I wont' race again till next year. I do long runs, but I don't do cold!

Yesterday, a whole day early, I submitted my portfolio for graduation. It still has to be graded but that is out of my hands. I started my Master's program three and a half years ago, it was a long and hard journey. I'm ready to read for fun, not worry about writing papers on the weekend and spend that much more time at home and not in class.

The boys cheered for me when I said everything was in for my portfolio. They have gotten the short end of the stick of me going back to school. I'm looking forward to giving more of my time and attention to them!

When I was taking study breaks and sitting in conference this month, I also finished a hat! That is just the cherry on top of the sundae. It was a good month folks, a VERY good month!

Barley Light hat 

My writing corner for the last three weeks. I still need to put the books away....

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Picture Day or OMG Those Faces!!

The writing has been easy some days and hard others. However, I am more or less on schedule for my final project due date. Yay!!

I have been enjoying the slow pace of my study leave mornings. Getting the boys ready without having to get myself ready. And yes, I have been biking or dropping them off looking a little homeless. I don't care, I'm just going back home to write!

Other than school work we have had other things going on. Yesterday was picture day! Both boys picked a shirt to wear on Tuesday night and I had them ready to go. Wednesday morning they both changed their minds and I didn't even yell! #momwin

Last week, I had the basement windows replaced. I should have taken a before picture but trust me, the old windows were awful. I had to cover a couple of them with cardboard and plastic because the panes were falling out.

Ok, I have about 20 pages left to go. Might get another October blog post, might not. We shall see!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Let The Stress Begin

Yesterday, I started my three week study leave. This is the time I have to complete my final portfolio for consideration for graduation. I also have a case study due for my final course in the program during this time.

So I started the day by taking the boys to school, while I'm not at work we have been biking instead of walking! Then I sat down and made a list of all the things I had to do. I then immediately started freaking out.  There is a lot to do.

Today, I made more progress and found almost all of my points that I need to write about. So tomorrow I will become a writing tornado!! That's the plan at least. 19 days to put the finishing touches on the last three and a half years of work.

Must focus now!!!!

After day two of riding to and from school. Way more fun than walking!

The boys spent all weekend riding their bikes around the neighborhood.
 It's like they just remember they had them!