Monday, April 30, 2018

Well Shet

It's been awhile since I've had an update. Baseball practices have started, and work is getting busy. In my best Eddard Stark impression, "Winter is coming!" 

Alex gave me my best blog material just this afternoon. I don't even remember what I said but I ended my sentence with, Not Yet. 

Mom- Did you say shit? 
Alex- No way she said shet!
Me- Alex, shet isn't a word. (We are all cracking up just saying shet. Say it out loud you'll see what I'm talking about!)
Alex- Sure it is, like when you shave, you shave your shet!
Mom and Me- What!!! 
Alex- Yup, shave your shet. 

We were all laughing so hard we were almost late to T-ball practice. Maybe it wasn't that funny, maybe we are all just losing it over here! 

I got to read a book to Alex's class on behalf of the United Way! 

We got to dog sit one week. Here Alex is training Remy to sit.
He didn't know Remy already knew that one. LOL

Baseball season has begun! 

Monday, April 16, 2018

Daryl and I Made Things!

A couple of weekends ago I got to go to the Dallas Fiber and Wool Festival with two of my best friends! I'd lost a lot of my knitting mojo in the past year and a half and this trip got it back!
I was really just going to get away with the girls, but I did find yarn and patterns that inspired me. I also got an Alpaca Cactus project bag!! It is now referred to as my Alpactus bag.

I started a mitts pattern with a lace design. This is the most concentration I've put into a knitting pattern and I love the result I'm getting. I look forward to getting my first mitt done, maybe this week!

On Sunday Daryl finished his second sewing project! He has another project meeting this week and I don't want his projects getting backed up on him. This pillow case will definitely go to the fair. I did not let him use it!

I will end with a funny Daryl story. I haven't recorded one in awhile. This one happened while we were in the car on the way to county 4-H council meeting. Daryl represents his club at the meetings.

Daryl- Mom is Shunga Valley Republican or Democrat?
Me- Neither
Daryl- Does the council have more Republican votes or more Democrat votes?
Me- Daryl there are no parties, it is not like that.
Daryl- Oh good, that means I don't have to vote with my party!
Me- Your party is your club!!!
Daryl's new pillow case! 

Where the Dallas Fiber and Wool Festival was. I'm glad I wasn't driving in Dallas! 


About half of my first mitt! 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Muffins For Moms

Don't mind the coats, it has been freezing here! 
Last week was the annual Muffins for Moms breakfast at the boys' school. This is Alex's first year doing these types of things, and he loves it! Daryl is still in his "Too cool to take pictures with mom phase." So when a teacher was asking to take pictures it was nice that he said Yes to her! So I got one picture with him, without him looking very annoyed. 

When we got to the school we were one of the first families to arrive. Alex wanted to sit with friends, but they were not there yet. So when his friend did arrive we had to change places. He was ready to change again when another friend showed up. I had to shut that down. Looks like both of my boys are social butterflies! 

Alex told me about a game last night that he plays at school. "I chase four girls around the playground. I can catch three of them, but one girl is really fast." 

At least I'm prepared for a phone call from the school if it comes! LOL  

The muffins were very good this year!