Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

This is just a rush post before I head out of town for work. Got to see the boys at their school parties this morning, and I was very glad I was able to make it! Daryl is Thing One and Alex is Iron Man. I know what you are thinking, shouldn't Alex be Thing 2? Well that would have just been too easy, and not how my boys operate at all! LOL

I hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween!

The School Halloween parade is always fun!
Sometimes a little cold, but always fun! 

Leaving for school in costume makes for a good morning! 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Parent Teacher Conferences

Last week I had Parent Teacher Conferences with both boys teachers. It should be no surprise that they are opposites in most things with school. Daryl exceeds in reading and struggles in math, Alex exceeds in math and it still working on all the sounds the letters make. Daryl is so caring for other students, sometimes that leads to him getting his feelings hurt. Alex is a social butterfly that is buddies with every student and teacher. Alex invites boys and girls over to his house to spend the night, he tells them to just find his house on Google!

Both boys got good reports, and are good listeners for their teachers. I'm so glad they listen to somebody!

One of my favorite parts of conference was reading Daryl's fiction story he wrote for class. I have copied it below! Looks like I'm not the only writer in the family! (There is no title but it is definitely a comedy turned tragedy. LOL)

This is the story of Daryl going to the pumpkin patch in 2017. We went to Germany for fall. Picking a pumpkin is going to be fun. The boat we took was a hotel. It took a long time to find a pumpkin! We got stuck in the mud and it was super wet. I got to go to the gift shop and I got a German coin and a pumpkin carver.

We adopted a dog that was low on heartbeats. The dog was a German shepherd. Then a tornado hit Germany. I dislocated my arm. And I also got hit by a pumpkin in my eye. And a car almost hit me. There was no shelter. The whole gift shop flipped over. I covered myself in pumpkins. 

The End

Oh Daryl!

Some pictures from our weekend exploring Topeka!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dance Parties and Lunch Dates

There is never a boring week with Daryl and Alex around! The boys tend to get fixated on a movie and we have to watch it about 100 times. This was torture when the movie was Aliens in the Attic, still pretty bad when it was Frozen, but the new film hasn't gotten old yet. We are probably on the 50th viewing of the musical Hairspray, and we are still rocking out every night!

I'm not exaggerating with the every night comment. I have to put my foot down that we only watch it once a day. LOL

I need to look up other musicals they might like, the love story can't be the main theme. I think they like Hairspray so much because of the cool male characters like Corny, Seaweed and Link. They even get a hoot out of the fact that Tracy's mom is played by John Travolta. So I am open to recommendations for grade school appropriate musicals. The only other one I have on DVD is Chicago and I don't think that will do!

Yesterday, was the annual school cook out. I got to eat lunch with Alex and Daryl got to eat lunch with Dad. Since the boys have two different lunch times it worked great! I secretly am happy I got to eat lunch with Alex, because of the last "Donuts with Mom" fiasco I had with Daryl. Evidently, taking a picture with me is not the worst thing in the world! Alex was hugging on me, letting me kiss his head and was practically in my lap when Ms. Campos took our picture. Awwww Kindergarten is the best!

Will still take a picture with me! 

He was so cute I let him eat my Cheez Its too! 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Let's Party!

Everyone at the Manor has had reason to celebrate! The boys had their elementary school skate night last week. Alex was doing really good with the walker thing, but after awhile didn't want to use it anymore.

He decided to just hold my hand and skate that way. Only problem is every time he started to fall I had to yank him back up to a standing position. He, oddly enough, didn't complain about this. However, things like this now hurt my back. So I felt the skating for a couple of days! Oh the joys of getting older.

Daryl had a really good time too, he just didn't want me to skate with him and his friends. So Alex and I kept our distance. LOL

I'm celebrating because I've finished another semester of Graduate school! I only take one class a semester so it will be a long time till I'm done. The reading for this class about did me in. The material was very interesting, but there is a reason I haven't been keeping up with the blog, the housework or the knitting!! So I'm happy to be home this weekend and just get caught up on things!