Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Good Day That I Wasn't Expecting

So it's Valentine's Day, a day of publicly gushing love for a significant other. When you are going through a divorce, this is Yuck day. I love all of my family and friends that are in strong relationships. I don't just love you, I want to still be with you in that category.

 But, I'm going to hate on your day a little. Why must there be one day to proclaim the winners and losers of love? Trust me, the losers know who we are. To all my peeps that are not just single, but were given up on, dumped, had someone decide they don't love you after they said they would love you forever; I'm sorry. ((HUGS)) We were OK yesterday, we will be OK tomorrow, so we can be bitter today. This day when romantic love is not our friend, we have the right to be mad/sad.

But, that didn't happen today for me. When  I awoke before my alarm, because I had to go to the bathroom, I heard a little voice beside me, "Mommy I need you." That's when I remembered Alex slept with me last night. So I kissed his little head and said, it's ok, mommy is just going to the bathroom. Then Alex said, "Ok, I love you," and fell back asleep. I have a lot of love in my house and that reminder at 4am was what I needed. My heart is sore, bruised and it hurts, but it still works and loves my little boys to no end!

I did a photo booth for Daryl's party.
The kids loved it! 
Then I got to work and my Extension family loved on me a lot. I got flowers, a molten brownie and milk duds. Thank you work family! Thank you, thank you, thank you. If baked goods could fix all of my problems, I would never shed another tear.

Lastly, I got to be a helper mom for Daryl's class party. All those 2nd graders exchanging valentine cards, eating candy and just being happy to be with their friends. It was a glorious and loud picture to behold. I decided the world shouldn't cancel this day, instead we should have more days where people can express love, and happiness. Maybe we need a Valentine's Day once a month. Not because it brings up painful feelings for me right now, but because it is creating good feelings for my kids and a lot of other people. We need more good feels in the world.

My little love bug was so proud of his headband! 

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing woman. I admire your strength and courage. I agree that there should be more days where we celebrate being kind to one another. I think you are awesome.
