Saturday, April 30, 2016

Getting things done!

Sometimes I get a wild hair and I just want to get things done. This kind of day looks nothing like what it does for Kelly! He loves a project.
Under the advice of my Uncle, Kelly fixed our three year old microwave. I only mention the age because it was making me really mad that is was already broken. It is a built in model so it was going to cost $200 to replace and $100 for the new trim kit.
My uncle mentioned replacing the fuse inside it to see if that fixes it. Who takes their microwave apart? It was worth a shot! It wasn't the fuse but Kelly replaced the door switch and now it works!! I will take a $9 fix over $300 any day.
Another one of his projects was to make a place for our phones when we get home. I was tired of having to always have it with me and and the boys bugging me to use it. So Kelly built a little phone shelf for the kitchen. So handy!
Lastly, he planted 60 flowers in the flower box! I would show you a picture but I decided to blog a little late for that. So excited to have all of these things done. I wonder what he will do tomorrow?!
Between activities the boys and I let go our butterflies that we have been observing. 4-H has a school enrichment program where the classroom gets caterpillars and watches them become butterflies. We had some extras so I got to bring some home for the boys to watch. It was fun to let them go this morning.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Take Me Out to The Ballgame!

The weather is pretty gray today but last Sunday it was great! Daryl is playing baseball again this summer and he has been practicing for about a month already. His games start in May and he is really excited to face another team. 
No worries grandparents, we don't have a schedule yet, when we do you will too! :-) 
Alex also enjoys backyard baseball, every nice night we are always playing. 
It's been awhile since I've had a funny Daryl story, he still tells them I just don't make good notes anymore. Last night him and Kelly had a pretty good exchange. 
Daryl- What are we having for dinner? 
Kelly- Tacos
Daryl- I can eat a lot of tacos!!
Kelly- When I was in college me and my friend had a contest on who could eat more, I ate 13!! 
Daryl- Wow......
Daryl- Is that why you have some extra weight down there? (Daryl points to Kelly's belly)
Kelly- I guess so. :-) 

In case you have never seen it, this is Alex throwing a fit. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day

Today was Earth Day and Daryl didn't have school. It was a coincidence but Daryl decided we needed to do "Earthy" things with his day off. I was game, so we did all the "Earthy" things we could think of.

  • We picked up trash at the park. 
  • We took some stuff to the Topeka Rescue Mission that we didn't need anymore
  • We planted something
  • We had ice cream! Not sure how that last one is Earthy but we did it anyway. :-) 

We planted a rose bush! 

Friday, April 15, 2016

I ran a race and I knit a thing!

Long time no blog! Things are getting a little hectic around here but that's ok, when we work as a family the manor can conquer anything. :-)
Last Saturday I ran my half marathon that I had been training for. I fell off the running wagon about two weeks before the race but I was still happy with my result. I wanted a sub 2:05 time and I'm happy to report I ran a 2:03:59! My next half (TBD) I would like to get back under 2 hours. I did that once and I think I can do it again.
I ran the race without my cheering section, but I was OK with that. Race day for me means a work day for Kelly if him and the boys are going to watch me finish. I had to leave at 5:30am and if that's not painful enough, they have to wait 2 hours for me to finish. With a 7 year old and 3 year old in tow that's like 10 hours.
So the boys stayed home and pampered me appropriately for the rest of the day! ;-)
Ps-It was soooooooo cold, I'm more proud that I didn't say "screw it," and stay in bed than hitting my time goal.
A couple of weeks ago I also finished a silly hat for a co-worker. I don't know if he got it yet, but I'm hoping he saw the hilarity in the project. It's not easy being a state worker these days so we will take the laughs where we can get them!
Do I look cold? I was freezing!!
Pointy hat with a pom pom!
Held worsted yarn double and it took 4 skeins!