Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hanston Happiness

This last weekend the Meerpohls made the trek to Hanston to spend time with family. My brother and his family are moving out of state this month so we had one last gathering to send them off. It is nice to just go to mom's house and relax for a couple of days!
On Saturday, Daryl got his allowance for doing his chores all week. Daryl has three chores: he feeds the dogs, puts his dirty dishes in the sink and puts his dirty clothes in his hamper. He has been doing this for a month and every Saturday he gets $5. The first week he got his allowance he put $1 in his piggy bank and $1 in an envelope to take to church for offering time. He them immediately had to go to the store to spend the remaining $3.
I went with him and reminded him he could save his money and buy something bigger the next week. He didn't care what he got he just wanted to spend all his money. He ended up buying a pair of funny plastic teeth. He was unhappy with them as soon as he opened the package.
So the next week he gets his money and he thinks about it and decides he wants to save his money. Then the next week when he went to the store with his $8 he picked out a $10 action figure. Kelly and I told him he would have to save another week to get the WWE toy. He struggled in the toy aisle for about ten minutes deciding what he wanted to do. There were other smaller toys he could buy but I knew he really wanted the $10 toy. He asked me if I could just pay for some of it. I told him that if he wanted to buy it with his own money he needed to save for another week.
He did save for another week! We stopped in Great Bend on the way home and he picked out the WWE action figure he wanted. He was so happy to take it up to the cashier and pay for it with his own money I almost cried! He kept asking all the way to Topeka who bought the toy for him, my answer was always you bought it with your own money! He even told Grandma Rosie that he was buying his WWE toy because he had made good decisions. LOL
He is already talking about saving for the next three weeks to buy another figure, we shall see if he can hold out again. I hope these lessons about money Kelly and I are teaching now serve him well in the future!
Here Daryl is sleeping with his WWE Kane figure!

Still happy with his purchase right before bed.
Uncle Asa showing the boys how to hit the ball.

Cousin Hugs!

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