Saturday, June 7, 2014

Aspiring interior designer...

I have pretty much been MIA around the Manor for the last two weeks. I have been with the 4-H'ers in our county staying up late, having campfires, dancing, singing, and having lots of snacks!
I am home now, and so happy to be hanging out with the men in my life. On the last night I was away from home Daryl told me to look at his room while we were on the phone. That is when I had to remind him that my phone doesn't do that. He was sad but told me I was going to be really surprised when I got home! Oh dear, what did he do to his room?
Turns out while I had been gone we no longer have Daryl's room, it is now Daryl's museum!  Our little man has discovered scotch tape and stickers and his walls and windows are bare no more!
This makes me happy because when we moved into our house two years ago we discussed taking the wood paneling down. We decided not to because that way he can do whatever he wants to his walls and it won't hurt anything. He even told me on my tour of the museum, "And mom, I didn't put anything up in the halls, those aren't my walls."
Good job Daryl!
While I'm gone I have gotten a lot of knitting done on my secret project. I will try not to forget to post a picture for everyone once it has been gifted!
Now, I need to start on BIRTHDAY SWEATERS! I have a plan and it involves some matching this year! It is going to be EPIC!
Funny Daryl Story:
The boys come in the house Friday and wake me up from a little nap.
Me-"Daryl and Alex come give me a hug!"
Daryl-"Did the kids at camp not give you any hugs?"
Me-"No they didn't." (in my best pathetic voice)
Daryl-"Ugh, all right...(I finally get my hug :-)

Alex gave me a hug with no questions!! He also cuddled with me till 9:45pm because he didn't want to let me go to go to bed. :-) 

Daryl is still into Knights, he had Dad draw this one!

This is the collection of cool stickers!

Daryl is also now a Marvin the Martian fan. Because he is obviously a Roman! 

Kelly wins Dad of the year. One night Daryl asked him for a real knight shield. So while Daryl was sleeping he put a handle on the back of this piece of wood AND painted it. I love my husband more than words can say!

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