Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Interior Design

If all it took to make a career of interior design was to spray paint stuff I would open shop! But I know it is a lot harder than that so I will just show off my grand idea. As usual, Kelly executed my vision. Thanks honey!
 Our friend Tony moved into a new house and him and his wife didn't really like this light fixture. They said we could have it! Score!

excuse the messy table, pizza box and all!
This was our old dinning room light fixture.

With five dollars of yellow spray paint I present our new dinning room light! My friend Becca taught me the magical powers of spray paint. It can make almost anything better!

If you are wondering how the running is going I'm proud to say that today was my last mid distance run before the half marathon THIS SATURDAY. I'm oddly calm this time. I think it has a lot to do with how much better I did my training this time. I missed training runs a lot last October and my last two weeks of running before the race were dreadful because it got cold.

I know I can run a sub 2 hour race. Now I just have to go and do it! To make my goal I will have to run a pace consistently that I run on my best days. It will be mostly mental and I just hope I don't have to stop to go to the bathroom! These are my fears going into Saturday. LOL I'll let you all know how it went after Saturday!
In April I logged 94.25 miles. THAT IS MY MOST EVER! Go Me ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it. The light is so cute, and you make me proud with your spray paint vision. Add so much for so little. You Rock!
