Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Camp Fun

Probably won't be anymore posts this month. Today I'm leaving for 4-H camp and won't be back until the weekend. I will miss all my boys but I know they enjoy the solo time with Dad!
We had a great Holiday weekend with family and friends and I know the boys were tired because we could not get them out of bed this morning.
I had a nice surprise this morning when Daryl's sitter sent me a picture he made on the IPAD. It is awesome and will be a nice reminder that when Daryl was five he was obsessed with Knights. Daryl has his first T-Ball game this week and I hope Kelly remembers to take a picture for me. I know he is going to do great!
Talk to you all in June!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Proud Mom Moment!

It might be sidewise but this video of Daryl reading his first book he wrote it worth posting anyway!
He had teachers at school write the words for his first sentence and he copied them in his book. Then it took the better part of the evening for him to copy the sentence he had me write. I was so proud of how happy he was with it! While the story is abstract I do think it is a comedy. :-)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Rest, Relax and be a firefighter!

This past week has been a week of taking it easy and hanging out with the family. Didn't run for the whole week because my foot hurt. It feels better now so I will slowly start back in. I have to find another race to train for as that is what gets me out of bed in the morning!

When you spend a lot of time with your kids you get stories like this.
Daryl-Grandma why do you play golf?
Grandma Rosie- The first reason is because I get to play outside.
Daryl-What a minute grandma I have to think about that.
Grandma Rosie- Think about what?
Daryl-Why an old lady wants to play outside!

This is Daryl's last week of preschool. Today they had a field trip to the fire station. I was lucky enough to be able to go with his class!

The men working at this station were so great with the preschool class. They gave a great tour and answered all of the questions. Many thanks to them for making a great day for the class!

I have started on a new knitting project. But it is for a gift so I can't show you. I will tease you with a little bit of yarn!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

All the kids at the Mother's Day Run!

All the Moms!

My Mother's Day flowers
I wish all the moms out there a very happy Mother's day! Kelly really spoiled me this year and gave me my first gift on Tuesday. He had my mother's wedding ring resized and plated with white gold. It is amazing and I haven't taken it off since he gave it to me!
Then today for the 4th year running he got the boys up early and cheered me on at the Mother's Day 5K! Since year one my friend Brooke has always done this race with me. She had her best race yet and set her 5K PR. I didn't PR but I was happy with my time of 28:50! Kim also ran with us this year with her two daughters, they also did awesome. It was a great day to be with friends and family!

After we got home I got my Mother's Day flowers for the second year in a row! Like I said before, I got really spoiled this year. :-)

Yesterday I ran my second half marathon. My goal was to run it in under two hours. I lined up with the two hour pace group and after three miles I broke away because I was feeling really good. Then once I reached the half way point I tried to catch the 1:55 pace group! I could always see their sign but I didn't end up catching them. My time was 1:56:28! I met a couple of new people running this race and that with a great course and great post race food made for a great experience. Kelly even ended up signing up for the 5K after I started my race. I think my running is starting to rub off on him! LOL

Lastly, on Friday Daryl invited me to Mother's day tea. The invite said to wear your best tea hat. It was a lot of fun and once again I'm so glad we enrolled him at Children's Day Out Preschool this year. They have really given us a lot of great memories!
It's hardwork getting up early to cheer mom on and then play in the
fountains at the Legends!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Interior Design

If all it took to make a career of interior design was to spray paint stuff I would open shop! But I know it is a lot harder than that so I will just show off my grand idea. As usual, Kelly executed my vision. Thanks honey!
 Our friend Tony moved into a new house and him and his wife didn't really like this light fixture. They said we could have it! Score!

excuse the messy table, pizza box and all!
This was our old dinning room light fixture.

With five dollars of yellow spray paint I present our new dinning room light! My friend Becca taught me the magical powers of spray paint. It can make almost anything better!

If you are wondering how the running is going I'm proud to say that today was my last mid distance run before the half marathon THIS SATURDAY. I'm oddly calm this time. I think it has a lot to do with how much better I did my training this time. I missed training runs a lot last October and my last two weeks of running before the race were dreadful because it got cold.

I know I can run a sub 2 hour race. Now I just have to go and do it! To make my goal I will have to run a pace consistently that I run on my best days. It will be mostly mental and I just hope I don't have to stop to go to the bathroom! These are my fears going into Saturday. LOL I'll let you all know how it went after Saturday!
In April I logged 94.25 miles. THAT IS MY MOST EVER! Go Me ;-)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy Star Wars Day!

I missed a Happy May Day post by a few days. Oops! At least I can wish you a happy Star Wars day! The Manor has not seen a lot of each other this week. Daryl has started to play T-Ball on Wednesday nights. He has had two practices so far and he is still trying to decide if he likes it. Kelly and I have pretty much been ships passing in the night but thanks to pictures in texts we still keep us with what the kids are doing. :-)
 I can't really blog about knitting or spinning because I'm in between projects. I just asked Daryl if he has a funny story and he said, "No." So we will do a debt update!
I'm really excited because we should be paying off my school loan at the end of May. We had an expensive month in April but we still managed to put extra money towards my school loan and the balance is now under a thousand dollars!! I will definitely post when we get that paid off.
When that debt is taken care of all we will have left is Kel's school loan. The balance on that is just a little over eleven thousand dollars. There is a light at the end of this tunnel!!!
Ok, I need to go find something to knit. I have to keep my hands busy so I am not spending money I could be paying off my school loan with!! Here are some pictures from the zoo!