Friday, October 5, 2012


I can't believe it has been two weeks since the last blog. Lately, after both of the boys have gone to bed I have just been going that way myself! That does not do much for my knitting, housework or blogging!
Here are some cute pictures I have snapped lately. I'm going to have to stop giving my mom such a hard time about not having any baby pictures of me. When you look at all the pictures I have of Daryl compared to Alex you would think we have a favorite child.

Finished one knitting project recently, Halloween socks for Alex. We probably won't be needing them for trick or treating...Daryl had a really bad day last week and he lost trick or treating.
Some kids you can look at them sideways and they straighten up, my child you have to take away Halloween. Go all the Grandmas I'm not being mean, you would have done the same thing if you had seen your little angel that day! Since then he has had some of the best behavior I've ever seen, so maybe it worked. Only time will tell.

Here is Daryl being a good big brother on our way to Bucklin for Grandpa Bob's funeral. He kept Alex entertained by showing him toys or holding in his pacifier. Both kids did extremely well on the two long car trips. It was great to see our extended family but sad that it had to be at a funeral.
 I'm sure Grandpa Bob was smiling down at all of us visiting and telling stories about spending time with our grandparents. :-)

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that D lost his trick-or-treating night.He can still dress up and answer the door.
    I love the socks!!
    It was sad to get together for a funeral, but I had a great visit with all my kids. (We missed u Diane!)
    Glad you are getting rest! Love you all,
    Momma Korf
