Sunday, October 14, 2012

Welcome Fall

Alex 11 weeks old
 We capped off a very busy weekend with a relaxing trip to the pumpkin patch. We got to take a hay rack ride to the pumpkins, eat apple cider donuts and chat with our friends. We could not have asked for better weather and while I'm happy for the rain I'm glad it stopped too!
At almost three months Alex is still not fond of car rides and cries about half of the time he is in the car. Daryl likes to help out by giving him a pacifier but that doesn't always work either. Alex has been sleeping thru the night for a couple of weeks now and his parents could not be happier.
Al is probably still a little heavy for his age and is wearing all six month clothes now. He likes to jabber at us and still does really good at church just looking at all the lights and mostly sleeping.
Wanted to write this all down in case I can't post on October 20th when he will actually be three months old.

Alex 3 days old
I can't say that these past three months have flown by but it is hard to believe how much he has changed. He won't be a baby for very much longer.

Nothing new here...still knitting my shawl. I'm going to really work on it this week and see if you can see any difference next weekend. Right now it seems like this project just doesn't get any bigger. I need picture proof that I'm actually getting somewhere. Shoe for scale.

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