Monday, February 20, 2012

Spinning Weekend

372 yds of heavy worsted
Had a really great weekend just staying around the house and working on some projects that had been neglected for awhile! That means I finally got my spin on and finished the three ply I had been dreaming about for quite some time.

I used my jumbo flyer for the first time and that was a learning experience. The jumbo flyer lets me make bigger skeins than my normal flyer. I spun the skein on the left with the jumbo flyer and the one on the right with my normal flyer. I was having to treadle so hard with my jumbo flyer  my wheel was scooting across the floor. But thanks to a friend in Illinois who has my same wheel I moved the height of the head and loosened the tension and things went better. Because it was taking so much effort to spin the 3-ply at first my yarn is a little thick in the beginning but got to be more of a worsted the easier the spinning got.

I'm pleased with the final result and would like to spin my new green fiber then have a big day of washing yarn in the near future!

Daryl had a good valentine's day at preschool. He got a lot of candy and lots of Valentines. His Valentine's had Iron Man on them as that is his new thing. He has been reading Iron Man books from the library and really enjoys them.

With his candy he got his first Fun Dip candy, I gladly showed him how to eat it and it was pretty funny!

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