Sunday, February 12, 2012

Daryl's Weekend Out!

Daryl had a very fun weekend at Grandma Rosie's! He got to go help on Grandpa Richard's farm, play in the snow and go to a birthday party that had exotic animals!
He had a really great time but tonight he is really tired because of all of his big adventures. The whole Manor would like to wish Cedar a very happy 8th birthday! We would also like to wish Ms. Jaime a happy 29th birthday!
I still haven't started plying my yarn and I really need to get to that. Because someone has been ordering a lot of fiber and it has been showing up at the house this week! It is all so soft and pretty and squishy and I want to get it all on the wheel ASAP! :) My orange shawl is still going pretty good and I am about at the half way point of the project.
Hello Yarn in Sprout colorway
Southern Cross Fibre in Corona colorway

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