Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ugh, December you are sucking all my energy!!

I like December, I like Christmas and I even like snow! But I feel like I need to go into hibernation or something to find my energy and my mojo. I've fallen into a rut of going home (its pretty much dark) so I get into my jammies and don't do a darn thing besides listen to Daryl and his crazy stories.
I've had birthdays come and go for people I've wanted to knit for and the last time I touched needles was last Thursday! A week ago people!!!!
Birthday presents will be late this year but I'm not giving up yet. And as I've already stated Christmas knitting is just out of the question all together! Never fear the one thing I am actually doing decent at right now is Christmas shopping. I think I've counted and I have six gifts to get and then I am DONE!
Shhhhh (Not a single present is wrapped.) Double Shhhhhh (We haven't even put up our tree yet.)
OK so I have a grand plan to shake these winter blahs and finish some projects this weekend, and yes I am calling the laundry a project!!! :)
Here is my list to hold me accountable and I will post what got done on Monday! The goal is everything!
1.) Get Up Tree
2.) Wrap Presents
3.) Laundry
4.) Finish Birthday present #1
5.) Start Birthday present #2
6.) Start Addressing Christmas Cards
7.) Give both Dogs a bath (and maybe Daryl too!)
....I think that is enough!

Cute Daryl story
I picked Daryl up from Preschool some day last week and this is how it went down:
Daryl-"Guess what I did today."
Me-"What did you do today?"
Daryl- "I learned how to draw a circle and a trinapple!"
Me-"That is wonderful I love circles and trinapples!!"

1 comment:

  1. All moms love trinapples!! love u guys! Good luck on your project list. I have so much to do, I can't even make a list.....:)
