Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas to Me!

Christmas is officially over! I think it went really well. I felt more prepared this year than in years past and I think a large part of that was I didn't make presents this year. I know that homemade gifts are one of a kind and really appreciated, but they sure add a lot of stress on the holidays!

The Mailman brought me a Christmas present the day we got back to Topeka from seeing family. It was two pounds of beautiful fiber just waiting to be spun into some great yarn! It is 100% wool and I got one pound of specialty dyed. This was a fun thing to order because you have no idea what color is coming, I was more than pleased with what I got!
My second pound was just some natural gray that I will probably try to dye with kool-aid. I've never done that before but I have a couple of friends who have that I can look to for advice. I just hope I don't turn the whole kitchen orange. Who am I kidding that wouldn't be that bad!

Lastly, here is a picture of Daryl and cousin Henry wrestling! They were so cute running and screaming after each other and playing "tackle"! Daryl had such a good time with Henry that he has been asking to see him every day now since. There are a lot of miles between them but I am going to have to get them together more often because they sure do play well together and have a lot of fun! What silly boys!!

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