Thursday, June 9, 2011

Its not Always Me

A common coversation at the Manor goes something like this:
Me "Kelly do you know where my ________is?"
Kelly "Where did you last see ______?"
Me "If I could remember that I could probably find my ______!"
Normally I find my keys/phone/purse/pen and Kelly just assumes those things are where I left them and I just don't remember. Well I have a new explanation to why I can't find anything.
Exhibit A:
This is the cabinet under our TV and normally it just contains movies! There is my shoe I couldn't find, some hangers, toys and in the lunch box was a tape measure!
So before you blame someone for losing their own stuff make sure to ask them if they have a toddler first!
On the spinning front I am getting better. And I think I am ready for my hand dyed hank that I actually like! I will keep you posted!

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