Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great weekend at the Manor! Daryl could not keep a secret so two days ago he told Kelly we got him a card. We weren't even talking about anything related to father's day or cards and Daryl just blurted it out! Good think he wasn't with me when I got Kelly's present.
When it was time to give Kelly his present and card on Sunday Daryl had to open the wrapping paper for kelly, he is helpful like that! Once he saw it was cologne he was totally disinterested and thought that was the worst present ever.
After naps we went to the pool for the first time this summer. Can't believe it is already June! Now that Daryl has been once I'm sure we will be making lots of trips because he loved it. He was just disappointed he couldn't go down the big slides, but I guarantee you once we would have gotten to the top he wouldn't have gone down anyway. We stuck with the alligator slide!
On Saturday I ran my second race of the year. I made a new year's resolution to run four so now I am half way done! :)
Daryl enjoying the slide he could go down!

Intent on going to the snack bar!

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