Thursday, June 30, 2011

Don't Fence Me In...No Wait a Minute...Fence Me In!

Here is what we got so far!

So far Kelly and I would like to thank his dad, Tony and Daryl. I'm sure the credits will grow as the project goes on!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Almost goodbye to June

Can't believe that June is almost over. We made the most of it this weekend with a family dinner, some swimming, some knitting and hanging around a playground.
Tonight I also made sure to get some before pictures of our yard. Hopefully a week from today it will have an awesome privacy fence around it! :)
Kelly can do it with the help of friends and family. He has been itching for a project and now the time has come! Yay!!
I've been knitting up some slippers for a friend, the pattern is super cute and super fast. This may be a good Christmas pattern...what do you all think? :)
Ronni, Daryl and Brandon Swinging!

CoCo Knits Ballet Flat pattern

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great weekend at the Manor! Daryl could not keep a secret so two days ago he told Kelly we got him a card. We weren't even talking about anything related to father's day or cards and Daryl just blurted it out! Good think he wasn't with me when I got Kelly's present.
When it was time to give Kelly his present and card on Sunday Daryl had to open the wrapping paper for kelly, he is helpful like that! Once he saw it was cologne he was totally disinterested and thought that was the worst present ever.
After naps we went to the pool for the first time this summer. Can't believe it is already June! Now that Daryl has been once I'm sure we will be making lots of trips because he loved it. He was just disappointed he couldn't go down the big slides, but I guarantee you once we would have gotten to the top he wouldn't have gone down anyway. We stuck with the alligator slide!
On Saturday I ran my second race of the year. I made a new year's resolution to run four so now I am half way done! :)
Daryl enjoying the slide he could go down!

Intent on going to the snack bar!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Its not Always Me

A common coversation at the Manor goes something like this:
Me "Kelly do you know where my ________is?"
Kelly "Where did you last see ______?"
Me "If I could remember that I could probably find my ______!"
Normally I find my keys/phone/purse/pen and Kelly just assumes those things are where I left them and I just don't remember. Well I have a new explanation to why I can't find anything.
Exhibit A:
This is the cabinet under our TV and normally it just contains movies! There is my shoe I couldn't find, some hangers, toys and in the lunch box was a tape measure!
So before you blame someone for losing their own stuff make sure to ask them if they have a toddler first!
On the spinning front I am getting better. And I think I am ready for my hand dyed hank that I actually like! I will keep you posted!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Golf Widow

This weekend Kelly golfed in a tournament all weekend! He is sooo happy! He hasn't made it home yet but I'm sure he will be home....someday....maybe!
Daryl had a fun day at Gage Park and hanging out around the house. We were just being lazy today because yesterday he hung out with Grandma, Aunt Jenny and Aunt Barb. He had a fun busy time so today he was ready to just cuddle with mommy!!
On the knitting/spinning front I'm making progress on my lace cardigan. I have about seven inches of the body knit so far! I also tried to knit with my first handspun. It was an EPIC failure. The stuff is so thick I don't think super bulky even begins to cover it! The had I was trying to knit was going to have no stretch at all and would have weighed about 15 pounds. I think I will just turn the skeins into felt....or throw them away. I have to work thru the handspun stuff as I do it or we will all drown in yarn at Meerpohl Manor!