Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long awaited, long time coming, long weekend!

Meerpohl Manor had a lot of fun this past weekend while staying close to home.
But first a Daryl story. I was working in the office "kinda" watching Daryl when I hear, "This is for my eyes?" I turn around and before I can even ask "what" my son is holding an open sharpie marker!!
Luckily baby oil will take Sharpie marker off with hardly any scrubbing!
So back to our weekend...we spent Friday night in Holton celebrating
Grandpa Greg's 88th birthday. It was great to see family and this picture below is NOT twin brothers, its Grandpa with Uncle Steve. Daryl has three uncle Steve's so its a pretty good guess for him to say Uncle Steve to any of his uncles!
On Saturday we stayed in Holton for Glory Days. We say classic cars, a craft show, a very short parade and thanks to Grandma Glo we got to bounce in the bouncey thing! I just sat in the corner for fear I might take a toddler out!
Sunday we celebrated cousin Victor's high school graduation. Uncle Steve and Aunt
Carla throw a great party!!
Monday I knitted, spun, washed new yarn and had a great BBQ with the Gray Clan! Daryl always says he wants to go see Addison but really he just wants to see her toys!
Looking forward to posting some knitting and spinning progress next time!

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